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        武汉大学生物系细胞生物学专业 本科
        北京医科大学生物物理学专业 硕士
        美国杜克大学细胞生物学专业 博士
        哈佛大学医学院 博士后研究
        Biomedical Materials 杂志主编

        2019-2023  国家自然基金委重大项目“脊髓损伤再生修复机理及临床转化研究”项目负责人
        (1)  突破了再生医学关键技术。研发了系列具有自主知识产权的再生医学产品。研发的基于胶原蛋白特异结合的BMP2活性骨材料成功获得创新医疗器械注册证,实现了0-1的突破。提出组织内源干细胞的激活与分化是组织再生的重要机理。率先成功组织了包括子宫内膜再生、卵巢再生、脊髓损伤再生,心肌再生等多个产品的临床研究。
        (2)  研发的子宫内膜再生修复产品为子宫内膜损伤的不孕患者提供了一种有效的治疗手段,入选2014年中央电视台年度科技创新人物;卵巢再生修复取得突破,第一个卵巢早衰患者2018年1月12日诞生世界上首位健康宝宝。子宫内膜再生卵巢再生及脊髓损伤再生成果入选国家改革开放40周年创新成果展。
        (3)  成功研发了首个脊髓损伤再生修复产品NeuroRegn 支架。NeuroRegn 支架2014年开始临床研究, 长期的临床随访结果表明NeuroRegn 支架治疗急性及陈旧性脊髓损伤安全有效。研究团队成为国际上最受关注的脊髓损伤再生修复研究团队之一。
赵燕南  博士   青年研究员
陈  冰  博士   副研究员
肖志峰  博士   副研究员
吴宪明  博士   副研究员
张  琪  博士   助理研究员
施  雅  博士   工程师
侯祥林  硕士   工程师
李佳音  博士   工程师
尹艳云  硕士   助理工程师
张娇娇  硕士   助理工程师
刘文斌  硕士   技术员
张  权  学士   技术员
季纯南  硕士   技术员
李盼盼  学士   技术员
薛晓钰  舒慕娅
范永恒  金辰  刘为远  孙政  陈珍妮
权瑞  赵帅净  韩舒雨  孙御婷  李雪瑶
崔熠  郭博  王心宇  程晓康
索广力 博士 (中科院苏州纳米所)
张经余 博士  (赛默飞世尔科技)
赵艳红 博士  (中检院)
林  航 博士  (匹兹堡大学)
赵文学 博士  (加州大学旧金山分校)
王  霞 博士  (清华大学)
王  斌 博士  (南京大学鼓楼医院)
孙文杰 博士  (山东大学)
张  晶 博士  (首都医科大学)
高  原 博士  (北京宝洁技术有限公司)
韩倩倩 博士  (中检院)
高  健 硕士  (雀巢(中国)有限公司)
曹佳妮 博士 (中科院动物所)
陈  磊 博士 (河南信阳师范学院)
苏冠男 博士 (重庆医科大学附属第一医院)
肖汉山 硕士 (天风证券)
魏建树 博士 (北京301医院)
杨  赟 博士 (加州大学圣地亚哥分校)
施春英 博士 (青岛大学)
李  星 博士(中南大学)
刘素梅 博士 (宣武医院)
栾梁琪 硕士(维通达生物技术有限公司)
韩  津 博士 (专利局专利审查协作北京中心)
杨亚明 博士(中科院动物所)
韩素芳 博士(华南农业大学)
薛伟伟 博士(复旦大学脑科学转化研究院)


2.Liu W, Xu B, Zhao S, Han S, Quan R, Liu W, Ji C, Chen B, Xiao Z, Yin M, Yin Y, Dai, J.* Zhao Y. *, Spinal cord tissue engineering via covalent interaction between biomaterials and cells. Sci Adv. 2023 Feb 10;9(6):eade8829.
3.Wang X, Hou X, Zhao Y, Zhao R, Dai, J.* Dai H, Wang C. The early and late intervention effects of collagen-binding FGF2 on elastase-induced lung injury. Biomed Pharmacother. 2023 Feb;158:114147.
4.Qian L, Yang K, Liu X, Zhang L, Zhao H, Qiu LZ, Chu Y, Hao W, Zhuang Y, Chen Y, Dai, J.* Baicalein-functionalized collagen scaffolds direct neuronal differentiation toward enhancing spinal cord injury repair. Biomater Sci. 2023 Jan 17;11(2):678-689.
5.Yang W, Kang X, Gao X, Zhuang Y, Fan C, Shen H, Chen Y*, Dai, J.* Biomimetic Natural Biopolymer-Based Wet-Tissue Adhesive for Tough Adhesion, Seamless Sealed, Emergency/Nonpressing Hemostasis, and Promoted Wound Healing. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 33, 2211340.
6.Gao X, You Z, Li Y, Kang X, Yang W, Wang H, Zhang T, Zhao X, Sun Y, Shen H*, Dai, J.* Multifunctional hydrogel modulates the immune microenvironment to improve allogeneic spinal cord tissue survival for complete spinal cord injury repairActa Biomaterialia 2023 Jan 1;155:235-246.
7.Wang Z, Li Y, Sun C, Cui P, Han Y, Wu T, Xu B, Zhang C, Shi L*, Dai, J.* Locally controlled release of immunosuppressive promotes survival of transplanted adult spinal cord tissue. Regen Biomater. 2022 Dec 5;10:rbac097.
8.Shu M, Hong D, Lin H, Zhang J, Luo Z, Du Y, Sun Z, Yin M, Yin Y, Liu L, Bao S, Liu Z, Lu F*, Huang J*, Dai, J.* Single-cell chromatin accessibility identifies enhancer networks driving gene expression during spinal cord development in mouse. Dev Cell. 2022 Dec 19;57(24):2761-2775.e6.
9.Hong D, Lin H, Liu L, Dai J, Lu F, Tong M, Huang J*. Complexity of enhancer networks predicts cell identity and disease genes revealed by single-cell multi-omics analysis. Brief Bioinform. 2023 Jan 19;24(1):bbac508.
10.Xu B, Yin M, Yang Y, Zou Y, Liu W, Qiao L, Zhang J, Wang Z, Wu Y, Shen H, Sun M, Liu W, Xue W, Fan Y, Zhang Q, Chen B, Wu X, Shi Y, Lu F, Zhao Y, Xiao Z, Dai, J.* Transplantation of neural stem progenitor cells from different sources for severe spinal cord injury repair in rat. Bioact Mater. 2022 Nov 23;23:300-313.
11.Zhuang Y, Yang W, Zhang L, Fan C, Qiu L, Zhao Y, Chen B, Chen Y*, Shen H*, Dai, J.* A novel leptin receptor binding peptide tethered-collagen scaffold promotes lung injury repair. Biomaterials. 2022 Dec;291:121884.
12.Liu X, Zhang L, Xu Z, Xiong X, Yu Y, Wu H, Qiao H, Zhong J, Zhao Z, Dai, J.*, Suo G. A functionalized collagen-I scaffold delivers microRNA 21-loaded exosomes for spinal cord injury repair. Acta Biomater. 2022 Dec;154:385-400.
13.Ma D, Shen H, Chen F, Liu W, Zhao Y, Xiao Z, Wu X, Chen B, Lu J, Shao D, Dai, J.*. Inflammatory Microenvironment-Responsive Nanomaterials Promote Spinal Cord Injury Repair by Targeting IRF5. Adv Healthc Mater. 2022 Dec;11(23):e2201319.
14.Jin C, Wu Y, Zhang H, Xu B, Liu W, Ji C, Li P, Chen Z, Chen B, Li J, Wu X, Jiang p, Hu Y, Xiao Z*, Zhao Y*, Dai, J.*. Spinal cord tissue engineering using human primary neural progenitor cells and astrocytes. Bioeng Transl Med. 2022;e10448. doi:10.1002/btm2.10448
15.Jia W, Zhu H, Zhao M, Zhou Q, Yin W, Liu W, Wang L, Xiao Z, Jiang X, Dai, J.* Ren C*. Potential mechanisms underlying the promoting effects of 3D collagen scaffold culture on stemness and drug resistance of glioma cells. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2022 Nov 1;1868(11):166522.
16.Fan C, Yang W, Zhang L, Cai H, Zhuang Y, Chen Y, Zhao Y, Dai, J.*. Restoration of spinal cord biophysical microenvironment for enhancing tissue repair by injury-responsive smart hydrogel. Biomaterials. 2022 Sep;288:121689.
17.Cai J, Wang J, Sun C, Dai J, Zhang C. Biomaterials with stiffness gradient for interface tissue engineering. Biomed Mater. 2022 Sep 7;17(6).
18.Zeng Y, Zhang C, Du D, Li Y, Sun L, Han Y, He X, Dai, J.* Shi L*. Metal-organic framework-based hydrogel with structurally dynamic properties as a stimuli-responsive localized drug delivery system for cancer therapy. Acta Biomater. 2022 Jun;145:43-51.
19.Tang F, Tang J, Zhao Y, Zhang J, Xiao Z, Chen B, Han G, Yin N, Jiang X, Zhao C, Cheng S, Wang Z, Chen Y, Chen Q, Song K, Zhang Z, Niu J, Wang L, Shi Q, Chen L, Yang H, Hou S, Zhang S, Dai, J.*. Long-term clinical observation of patients with acute and chronic complete spinal cord injury after transplantation of NeuroRegen scaffold. Sci China Life Sci. 2022 May;65(5):909-926
20.Jin X, Liu W, Wang J, Xiao Z, Niu Y, Chen B, Zhao Y, Dai, J.* Clinical study of injectable collagen scaffold with autologous fat cells for repair of severe vocal fold injury. Biomed Mater. 2022 Apr 12;17(3).
21.Xue X, Shu M, Xiao Z, Zhao Y, Li X, Zhang H, Fan Y, Wu X, Chen B, Xu B, Yang Y, Liu W, Liu S, Dai, J.*. Lineage tracing reveals the origin of Nestin-positive cells are heterogeneous and rarely from ependymal cells after spinal cord injury. Sci China Life Sci. 2022 Apr;65(4):757-769.
22.Zhou Z, Wang H, Zhang X, Song M, Yao S, Jiang P, Liu D, Wang Z, Lv H, Li R, Hong Y, Dai, J.* Hu Y*, Zhao G*. Defective autophagy contributes to endometrial epithelial-mesenchymal transition in intrauterine adhesions. Autophagy. 2022 Feb 23:1-16.
23.Han Y, Sun L, Wen C, Wang Z*, Dai, J.*, Shi L*. Flexible conductive silk-PPy hydrogel toward wearable electronic strain sensors. Biomed Mater. 2022 Feb 21;17(2).
24.Lv H, Zhao G, Jiang P, Wang H, Wang Z, Yao S, Zhou Z, Wang L, Liu D, Deng W, Dai, J.*, Hu Y*. Deciphering the endometrial niche of human thin endometrium at single-cell resolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Feb 22;119(8):e2115912119.
25.Zou Y, Yin Y, Xiao Z, Zhao Y, Han J, Chen B, Xu B, Cui Y, Ma X, Dai, J.*. Transplantation of collagen sponge-based three-dimensional neural stem cells cultured in a RCCS facilitates locomotor functional recovery in spinal cord injury animals. Biomater Sci. 2022 Feb 15;10(4):915-924.
26.Yin Z, Sun L, Shi L, Nie H, Dai, J.*, Zhang C*. Bioinspired bimodal micro-nanofibrous scaffolds promote the tenogenic differentiation of tendon stem/progenitor cells for achilles tendon regeneration. Biomater Sci. 2022 Feb 1;10(3):753-769.
28.Chen Z, Zhang H, Fan C, Zhuang Y, Yang W, Chen Y, Shen H, Xiao Z, Zhao Y*, Li X*, Dai, J.* Adhesive, Stretchable, and Spatiotemporal Delivery Fibrous Hydrogels Harness Endogenous Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells for Spinal Cord Injury Repair. ACS Nano. 2022 Feb 22;16(2):1986-1998.
29.Shen H, Xu B, Yang C, Xue W, You Z, Wu X, Ma D, Shao D, Leong K, Dai, J.* A DAMP-scavenging, IL-10-releasing hydrogel promotes neural regeneration and motor function recovery after spinal cord injury. Biomaterials. 2022 Jan;280:121279.[LJY1] [LJY2] 
30.Shen, H., Fan, C., You, Z., Xiao, Z., Zhao, Y*., Dai, J.* (2021). Advances in Biomaterial‐Based Spinal Cord Injury Repair. Advanced Functional Materials, 2110628.
31.Yu Y, Liu X, Zhao Z, Xu Z, Qiao Y, Zhou Y, Qiao H, Zhong J, Dai J, Suo G*. The Extracellular Matrix Enriched With Exosomes for the Treatment on Pulmonary Fibrosis in Mice. Front Pharmacol. 2021 Dec 6;12:747223. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.747223.
32.Wang H, Zhu C, Xu Z, Wei X, Shen H, Wang L, Wang B, Chen B, Zhao Y, Yu C, Dai, J.* Gao X. Clinical application of collagen membrane with umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells to repair nasal septal perforation. Biomed Mater. 2021 Nov 11;17(1).
33.Zhang Q, Wu X, Fan Y, Jiang P, Zhao Y, Yang Y, Han S, Xu B, Chen B, Han J, Sun M, Zhao G, Xiao Z, Hu Y, Dai, J.* Single-cell analysis reveals dynamic changes of neural cells in developing human spinal cord. EMBO Rep. 2021 Nov 4;22(11):e52728 doi: 10.15252/embr.202152728
34.Chu Y, Huang L, Hao W, Zhao T, Zhao H, Yang W, Xie X, Qian L, Chen Y, Dai, J.* Long-term stability, high strength, and 3D printable alginate hydrogel for cartilage tissue engineering application. Biomed Mater. 2021 Sep 28;16(6). doi: 10.1088/1748-605X/ac2595
35.Tang F, Tang J, Zhao Y, Zhang J, Xiao Z, Chen B, Han G, Yin N, Jiang X, Zhao C, Cheng S, Wang Z, Chen Y, Chen Q, Song K, Zhang Z, Niu J, Wang L, Shi Q, Chen L, Yang H, Hou S, Zhang S, Dai, J.*. Long-term clinical observation of patients with acute and chronic complete spinal cord injury after transplantation of NeuroRegen scaffold. Sci China Life Sci. 2021 Aug 16. doi: 10.1007/s11427-021-1985-5.
36.Cao Y, Shi Y, Xiao Z, Chen X, Chen B, Yang B, Shu M, Yin Y, Wu S, Yin W, Fu X, Tan J, Zhou Q, Wu Z, Jiang X, Dai, J.*. Contralateral Axon Sprouting but Not Ipsilateral Regeneration Is Responsible for Spontaneous Locomotor Recovery Post Spinal Cord Hemisection. Front Cell Neurosci. 2021 Aug 26;15:730348. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2021.730348.
37.Shu M, Xue X, Nie H, Wu X, Sun M, Qiao L, Li X, Xu B, Xiao Z, Zhao Y, Fan Y, Chen B, Zhang J, Shi Y, Yang Y, Lu F, Dai, J.* Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals Nestin+ active neural stem cells outside the central canal after spinal cord injury. Sci China Life Sci. 2021 May 28. doi: 10.1007/s11427-020-1930-0. Epub ahead of print.
38.Yin W, Xue W, Zhu H, Shen H, Xiao Z, Wu S, Zhao Y, Cao Y, Tan J, Li J, Liu W, Wang L, Meng L, Chen B, Zhao M, Jiang X, Li X, Ren C, Dai, J.* Scar tissue removal-activated endogenous neural stem cells aid Taxol-modified collagen scaffolds in repairing chronic long-distance transected spinal cord injury. Biomater Sci. 2021 May 27. doi: 10.1039/d1bm00449b.
39.Huang L, Chu Y, Zhang L, Liu X, Hao W, Chen Y, Dai, J.* High strength pure chitosan hydrogels via double crosslinking strategy. Biomed Mater. 2021 Jun 28;16(4). doi: 10.1088/1748-605X/ac058c
40.Xue W, Zhang H, Fan Y, Xiao Z, Zhao Y, Liu W, Xu B, Yin Y, Chen B, Li J, Cui Y, Shi Y, Dai, J.* Upregulation of Apol8 by Epothilone D facilitates the neuronal relay of transplanted NSCs in spinal cord injury. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2021 May 26;12(1):300.
41.Liu X, Hao M, Chen Z, Zhang T, Huang J, Dai, J.* Zhang Z. 3D bioprinted neural tissue constructs for spinal cord injury repair. Biomaterials. 2021 May;272:120771.
42.Cui Y, Yin Y, Zou Y, Zhao Y, Han J, Xu B, Chen B, Xiao Z, Song H, Shi Y, Xue W, Ma X, Dai, J.*. The Rotary Cell Culture System increases NTRK3 expression and promotes neuronal differentiation and migratory ability of neural stem cells cultured on collagen sponge. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2021 May 21;12(1):298.
43.Xue X, Shu M, Xiao Z, Zhao Y, Li X, Zhang H, Fan Y, Wu X, Chen B, Xu B, Yang Y, Liu W, Liu S, Dai, J.*. Lineage tracing reveals the origin of Nestin-positive cells are heterogeneous and rarely from ependymal cells after spinal cord injury. Sci China Life Sci. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1007/s11427-020-1901-4.
44.Xue W, Fan C, Chen B, Zhao Y, Xiao Z, Dai, J.* Direct neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells for spinal cord injury repair. Stem Cells. 2021 Mar 3. doi: 10.1002/stem.3366
45.Liu D, Shu M, Liu W, Shen Y, Long G, Zhao Y, Hou X, Xiao Z, Dai, J.* Li X*. Binary scaffold facilitates in situ regeneration of axons and neurons for complete spinal cord injury repair. Biomater Sci. 2021 Feb 26. doi: 10.1039/d0bm02212h.
46.Liu D, Shen H, Shen Y, Long G, He X, Zhao Y, Yang Z, Dai, J.*, Li X. Dual-Cues Laden Scaffold Facilitates Neurovascular Regeneration and Motor Functional Recovery After Complete Spinal Cord Injury. Adv Healthc Mater. 2021 Mar 19:e2100089. doi: 10.1002/adhm.202100089.
47.Zhang L, Fan C, Hao W, Zhuang Y, Liu X, Zhao Y, Chen B, Xiao Z, Chen Y, Dai, J.* NSCs Migration Promoted and Drug Delivered Exosomes-Collagen Scaffold via a Bio-Specific Peptide for One-Step Spinal Cord Injury Repair. Adv Healthc Mater. 2021 Feb 1:e2001896. doi: 10.1002/adhm.202001896.
48.  Wang, Q., He, X., Wang, B., Pan, J., Shi, C., Li, J., Wang, L., Zhao, Y., Dai, J. *, Wang, D. *,. Injectable collagen scaffold promotes swine myocardial infarction recovery by long-term local retention of transplanted human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells. Science China Life Sciences. 2021 Feb;64(2):269-281.
49.Yang, Y., Fan, Y., Zhang, Q., Xiao, Z., Liu, W., Chen, B., Sun, Z., Xue, X., Shu, M., Dai, J.* . Small molecules combined with collagen hydrogel direct neurogenesis and migration of neural stem cells after spinal cord injury. Biomaterials. 2021 Feb;269:120479
50.Zhang H, Xue W, Xue X, Fan Y, Yang Y, Zhao Y, Chen B, Yin Y, Yang B, Xiao Z, Dai, J.* Spatiotemporal dynamic changes, proliferation, and differentiation characteristics of Sox9-positive cells after severe complete transection spinal cord injury. Exp Neurol. 2021 Mar;337:113556
51.Long G , Liu D , He X , Shen Y , Zhao Y , Hou X , Chen B , OuYang W , Dai, J.*, Li X *. A dual functional collagen scaffold coordinates angiogenesis and inflammation for diabetic wound healing. Biomater Sci. 2020 Nov 21;8(22):6337-6349.
52.Zhang X, Liu Y, Clark KL, Padget AM, Alexander PG, Dai, J., Zhu W*, Lin H*. Mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular matrix (mECM): a bioactive and versatile scaffold for musculoskeletal tissue engineering. Biomed Mater. 2020 Dec 23;16(1):012002.
53.He, X., Wang, Q., Zhao, Y., Zhang, H., Wang, B., Pan, J., Li, Jie., Yu. H., Wang, L., Dai, J. *, Wang, D. *,. Effect of Intramyocardial Grafting Collagen Scaffold With Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Patients With Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(9):e2016236. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.16236
54.Zou, Y., Ma, D., Shen, H. Zhao, Y., Xu, B., Fan, Y., Sun, Z., Chen, B., Xue, W., Shi, Y., Xiao, Z., Gu, R. and Dai, J.*, Aligned collagen scaffold combination with human spinal cord-derived neural stem cells to improve spinal cord injury repair. Biomater. Sci., 2020. Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D0BM00431F
55.  Wang, Q., He, X., Wang, B., Pan, J., Shi, C., Li, J., Wang, L., Zhao, Y., Dai, J. *, Wang, D. *, (2020). Injectable collagen scaffold promotes swine myocardial infarction recovery by long-term local retention of transplanted human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells. Science China Life Sciences. 10.1007/s11427-019-1575-x.
56.Cui,Y., Xu, B., Yin, Y., Chen, B., Zhao, Y., Xiao, Z., Yang, Bin, Shi, Y., Fang,Y., Ma,X., Dai, J.* Collagen particle with collagen-binding bone morphogenetic protein-2 promotes vertebral laminar regeneration in infant rabbits. Biomed Mater. 2020, doi: 10.1088/1748-605X/ab9fce. Online ahead of print
57.Shen, Y., Shen, H., Guo, D., Sun, X., Sun, Y., Hong, N., Wang, X., Xie, C., Zhao, Y., He, Q., Jin, L., Wen, Y., Jiang, B., Yu, C., Zhu, M., Cai, F., Dai, J.* Recent developments in regenerative ophthalmology. Sci China Life Sci. 2020, doi: 10.1007/s11427-019-1684-x.
58.Dai, J.The growth and development of Biomedical Materials. 2020, Biomedical Materials 15, 040201, doi:10.1088/1748-605x/ab816b.
59.Guangfeng Zhao, G., Li, R., Cao, Y., Song, M., Jiang, P., Wu, Q., Zhou, Z., Zhu, H., Wang, H., Dai, H., Liu, D., Yao, S., Lv, H., Wang, L., Dai, J.*, Zhou, Y.*, Hu, Y.* ΔNp63α-induced DUSP4/GSK3β/SNAI1 pathway in epithelial cells drives endometrial fibrosis. Cell Death Dis. 11(6):449. 2020
60.Liu, W., Xu, B., Xue, W., Yang, B., Fan, Y., Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Xue, X., Sun. Z., Shu, M., Zhang. Q., Shi, Y., Zhao, Y.*, Dai. J.* A functional scaffold to promote the migration and neuronal differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells for spinal cord injury repair. Biomaterials. 2020; 243:119941. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2020.119941
61.Shen, H., Wu,S., Chen, X., Xu, B., Ma, D., Zhao, Y., Zhuang, Y., Chen, B., Hou, X., Li, J., Cao, Y., Fu, X., Tan, J., Yin, W., Li, J., Meng, L., Shi, Y., Xiao, Z.,* Jiang, X.,* Dai. J.* Allotransplantation of adult spinal cord tissues after complete transected spinal cord injury: long-term survival and functional recovery in canines. Sci China Life Sci, 2020, ISSN 1674-7305, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-019-1623-5..
62.Zou Y., Zhao Y., Xiao Z., Chen B., Ma D., Shen H. *, Gu R. *, Dai. J.*, Comparison of Regenerative Effects of Transplanting Three-dimensional Longitudinal Scaffold Loaded- hMSCs and hNSCs on Spinal Cord Completely Transected Rats. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 2020, 6, 4, 1909–1919
63.Wang L, Zhao Y, Yang F, Feng M, Zhao Y, Chen X, Mi J, Yao Y, Guan D, Xiao Z, Chen B, Dai. J.* Biomimetic collagen biomaterial induces in situ lung regeneration by forming functional alveolar. Biomaterials. 2020 Apr;236:119825.
64.Shen H, Lin H, Sun AX, Song S, Wang B, Yang Y, Dai. J.*, Tuan RS. Acceleration of chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells by sustained growth factor release in 3D graphene oxide incorporated hydrogels. Acta Biomater. 2020: 44-55.
65.Ma D, Zhao Y, Huang L, Xiao Z, Chen B, Shi Y, Shen H, Dai. J.*. A novel hydrogel-based treatment for complete transection spinal cord injury repair is driven by microglia/macrophages repopulation. Biomaterials. 2020 Jan 31;237:119830.
66.Qiao, Y., Xu, Z., Yu, Y., Hou, S., Geng, J., Xiao, T., Liang, Q., Dong, Q. Mei, Y., Wang, B., Qiao, H., Dai, J.*., Suo, G.*,Single cell derived spheres of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells enhance cell stemness properties, survival ability and therapeutic potential on liver failure. Biomaterials, 2020, 227: 119573.
67.Xue, W., Zhao, Y., Xiao, Z., Wu, X., Ma, D., Han, J., Li, X., Xue, X., Yang, Ying., Fang, Y., Fan, C., Liu, S., Xu, B., Han, S., Chen, B., Zhang, H., Fan, Y., Liu, W., Dong, Q., Dai, J.*. . Epidermal growth factor receptor‐extracellular‐regulated kinase blockade upregulates TRIM32 signaling cascade and promotes neurogenesis after spinal cord injury. Stem Cells.  2020 Jan;38(1).
68.Cui Y., Xu B., Yin Y., Chen B., Zhao Y., Xiao Z., Yang B., Meng Q., Fang Y., Liang Q., Zhou
L., Ma X., Dai, J.*. Repair of lumbar vertebral bone defects by bone particles combined with hUC-MSCs in weaned rabbit. Regenerative Medicine. 2019, 14(10):915-92.
69.Cui Y., Yin Y., Xiao Z., Zhao Y., Chen B., Yang B., Xu B., Song H., Zou Y., Ma X., Dai, J.*. (2019). LncRNA Neat1 mediates miR-124-induced activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in spinal cord neural progenitor cells. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 2019, 10(1):400.
70.Shi, J., Fan, C., Zhuang, Y., Sun, J., Hou, X., Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Chen, Y., Zhan, Z., Zhao, Y. *, Dai, J.*.. Heparan sulfate proteoglycan promotes fibroblast growth factor-2 function for ischemic heart repair. Biomaterials Science, 2019. 7(12), 5438-5450.
71.Shi, L., Zeng, Y., Zhao, Y., Yang, B., Ossipov, D., Tai, C. W., . Dai, J.*., Xu, C.*, Biocompatible Injectable Magnetic Hydrogel Formed by Dynamic Coordination Network[J]. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 49, 46233-46240
72.Yang Y., Chen R., Wu X., Zhao Y., Fan Y., Xiao Z., Han J., Sun L., Wang X., Dai, J.*. Rapid and Efficient Conversion of Human Fibroblasts into Functional Neurons. Stem Cell Reports. 2019, 13(5):862-876.
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